CGRC Remote Control CAN For BMW - Premium accessories from CHIGEE - Just US$105! Shop now at Chigee
适用于宝马的 CGRC CAN:神奇的车轮控制
CGRC Remote Control CAN For BMW - Premium accessories from CHIGEE - Just US$105! Shop now at Chigee

适用于宝马的 CGRC CAN:神奇的车轮控制


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  • 独家抽奖-最高 500 美元

与配备万向轮的宝马摩托车兼容,无需将手从车把上移开,即可安全、高效地操作 AIO-5。

在设置过程中,您只需将 CGRC CAN 插入两个模块接口中的一个即可:一个是用于 RDC 模块的 4 针端口(用于轮胎压力监控),另一个是用于 DWA 模块的 8 针端口(用于摩托车防盗报警系统)。虽然我们的在线指南推荐购买某些产品,但这些建议仅供参考。如果在检查您的宝马车时,您发现 DWA 或 RDC 模块更便于安装,请根据您的具体摩托车购买相应的插针连接器。

带机械仪表的 RT/K 系列(2011-2021 年 K1600 系列 / 2020 年 R1250 RT / 2016-2017 年 R1200 RT)的重要通知:同步控制仅在 BMW 的二级设置界面中进行。如果您可以接受这一限制,CGRC CAN 是一个合适的选择。如果不能接受,我们建议您选择CGRC PRORemote,以获得更流畅的体验。

配备 TFT 仪表的 RT/K 系列(2021-2023 年 R1250 RT / 2022-2023 年 K1600 车型 / 2022-2023 年 K1600B)的重要通知: BMW 仪表板和骑技显示器的所有接口可同时进行控制。我们强烈建议这些车型不要使用 CGRC CAN 。相反,请选择 CGRC PRO Remote ,以实现无干扰的兼容性。

对于R 1300 GS 和 R 1300 GS ADV,请选择 6 针选项并将其插入 DWA 模块 (A263*1B)。如果您希望保留宝马导航仪,并且不希望将CGRC LIN连接到 3 针导航接口,6 针选项将是理想的选择。


模型 特点 安装
CGRC CAN(4/6/8 针) 万向轮控制 DWA 或 RDC 模块
CGRC LIN(3 针) 读取本地 BMW 数据
专用 3 针导航接口
远程专业版 CHIGEE 设计的遥控器用于控制 AIO-5 车把附近

Customer Reviews

Based on 22 reviews
Stojan I. (Tetovo, MK)
Brand: BMW
Model: K1600GTL

Perfect solution

jeremy m. (Pittsburgh, US)
Brand: BMW
Model: 2018 k1600b
Doesn't work as advertised

I paid the extra for the cgrc to control the chigee with the factory wonder wheel. Don't spend the extra on that. It is so difficult and distracting to navigate and just do the simplest things like control music. There is no playing music through the speakers, no volume control as stated and no simple music controls as stated. When trying to navigate the bike computer it is changing things on the chigee at the same time. Disappointed in bmw for a poor connectivity setup compared to my Harley, and disappointed in myself for spending $600 to try to put a band aid that doesn't work on a bad setup to start with

Régis A.

Livraison rapide, transaction parfaite.

Massimo B. (Milan, IT)
Brand: BMW
Model: BMW R1250GS

Ho acquistato questo componente per completare il mio sistema Chigee AIO 5 lite. Ora posso accedere a tutte le funzioni del 5 lite usando la wonder wheel . Semplicemente perfetto. Nella confezione è presente anche il cavo di connessione. Bisogna solo stare attenti a scegliere i pin corretti per evitare il collegamento sbagliato. Chigee ..... Bravi !

Ben K. (Los Angeles, US)
Brand: BMW
Model: R1200RT
It works, but could work better!

Works as advertised. What isn't really advertised is that you have to turn the screen off or get out of CarPlay mode to use your wonder wheel to control your motorcycle. Chigee doesn't know whether you're controlling it or the bike. I'd recommend enabling a control (long press of turn cancel) to disable wonder wheel so i can change motorcycle settings, then repeat that command to re-enable wonder wheel for the Chigee device.

