The CGRC CAN for the BMW 1600GT (build 2020) is not yet fully developed for older types of the 1600GT. I recommend Chigee (AIO-5 for BMW) to work together with BMW (software development) on the improvement of use of the “wonderwheel”. For instance: In order to scroll-down in the menu of the Chigee the wonderwheel must scroll-up. Further more: When the wonderwheel is used to scroll down or up, the onboard radio volume is also influenced by the wheel producing less or more sound on the onboard speakers or speakers in the helmet. In order to covert these inconveniences I recommend to improve the Chigee -software in cooperation with BMW. It is also a matter of safety to limit distraction using the wonderwheel with Chigee while riding. It should function more logical and less distractive. I really think the Chigee is on its way to “make life a ride” and not to end it through distraction.
Relatively quick and simple installing, functionality almost as I expected.
- Easy to connect cables
- Easy to pair
- It works very seamlessly, no "thinking" time
- CGRC CAN Device is small, it's easy to hide it underneath the seat.
- This is not a simply plug-and-play device. Unfortunately, you have to disassemble the rear of the motorbike to access the connector on the DWA module (Exception: your a very talented gynecologist). If you've never done this disassemble before (like me), calculate about 1 hour working time.
- For this work the serial screwdriver under the seat isn't enough. You'll need also an additional, a smaller torx screwdriver
- Navigating in Menu of Chigee and of the bike happens simultaniuosly. There is no either-or separation for the Wonderwheel. You step forward ones in the Menu of Chigee, it also happens in the Menu of the bike. Exception: Your bike display is set for speed/"RT" logo
- Be careful: After connecting Chigee AIO-5 appears the NAVI sub-menu in your bike menu. Don't choose any point of this submenu (=don't put your WW to the right!), because your menu set-up will reset and the bike dashboard starts to reboot immediately.
Perfect solution
I paid the extra for the cgrc to control the chigee with the factory wonder wheel. Don't spend the extra on that. It is so difficult and distracting to navigate and just do the simplest things like control music. There is no playing music through the speakers, no volume control as stated and no simple music controls as stated. When trying to navigate the bike computer it is changing things on the chigee at the same time. Disappointed in bmw for a poor connectivity setup compared to my Harley, and disappointed in myself for spending $600 to try to put a band aid that doesn't work on a bad setup to start with
Livraison rapide, transaction parfaite.
Ho acquistato questo componente per completare il mio sistema Chigee AIO 5 lite. Ora posso accedere a tutte le funzioni del 5 lite usando la wonder wheel . Semplicemente perfetto. Nella confezione è presente anche il cavo di connessione. Bisogna solo stare attenti a scegliere i pin corretti per evitare il collegamento sbagliato. Chigee ..... Bravi !