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This bike upgrade was exactly what I needed to feel confident when traveling on the highways. I love the real time, feedback and being able to see what’s happening around me.
I bought this so I could mount it to the standard navigation bracket that comes as an official accessory for the V-Strom 650 (model no. 99980-DL650-BRK). It fits perfectly and looks like its stock when fully installed now. I did get smaller M4 bolts as the ones provided protruded alot, and even though it did not interfere with the screen, I didn't like the way it looked so I got 16mm ones instead, which still protrude a little bit but looks better imho. 10mm would also have been possible in hindsight. Overall very happy with this product, and the AIO-5 lite I got this for.
Well built and perfectly fits on my R1250RT m.y. 2019
This is a good, simple solution for relocation of your Chigee system but one note, the plate needs to be modified so it doesn't come in contact with the stock cradle pins. Perhaps appropriate stand offs in the 4 bolt positions or a small indention in the rear center to allow for room to avoid contacting the pins. Other than that, straight forward.