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В ответ на огромный спрос мы выпустили долгожданный адаптер 1″ Ball Head Adapter для инновационных AIO-5 Lite & Play и XR-2. Этот аксессуар раскрывает весь потенциал вашего устройства, обеспечивая непревзойденную универсальность и удобство.
Изготовленный из высококачественных материалов и с использованием точных инженерных решений, адаптер 1″ Ball Head Adapter обеспечивает бесшовное и прочное соединение с вашим AIO-5, обеспечивая надежное и долговечное крепление.
Обратите внимание: данный продукт включает только адаптер для шаровой головки 1″. Для завершения установки необходимо отдельно приобрести дополнительное оборудование для крепления RAM, например, кронштейны, основания и аксессуары.
Гнездовые кронштейны для шаровой головки 1″
Автомобильная подставка на присосках для шаровой головки 1″
Благодаря возможности сочетать и подбирать совместимые крепления для оперативной памяти вы можете использовать AIO-5 Lite & Play для различных целей, включая:
- Палочка для -
- Крепление на -
- Крепление на -
- Адаптер для -
- Крепление на - (для велосипедов и мотоциклов)
- - поверхностный монтаж
- - рукоятка
Адаптер с шаровой головкой 1″ обеспечивает быструю и легкую установку и снятие, гарантируя бесшовную интеграцию с вашим устройством. Откройте новые возможности и поднимите свой AIO-5 Lite & Play на новую высоту с помощью этого универсального аксессуара.
Just as advertised!
Bonjour, je suis presque satisfait de votre appareil. Je trouve par contre que le support n’est pas adapté en 1 pouce comme le ram mount et j’ai du commander une adaptation. Vu le prix de l’appareil ce serait quand même bien d’y penser.
It’s a very good quality product, but it compatibility with the BMW K1600GT isn’t the best.
Good day!
I want to thank you for this wonderful product that fully meets my needs and also has a great connection with the phone and the BMW R 1250 GS ADVENTURE motorcycle.
placed the order feb 16th. still not delivered/ not your fault but very frustrating
Everything about this product is amazing. The integration with Android Auto is simple flawless, I use maps on the daily basis, while commuting listing to music controlled by the screen. The cameras do a great job as well, great image quality and protection while my bike is parked. The images are so great that I also use to share parts of my trip with friends. The blind spot detection is awesome, which gives me an extra sense of safety. Auto playing messages also helps to know whom is sending you messages (avoiding the anxiety of having a phone buzzing on your pocket).
Aside of the functionalities, the design is slim which does not affect much the bike look. Screen reaction to touch is great, and the visibility is also great on both night and day.
I highly recommend.
I absolutely love this piece of tech. It makes using my sat nav and music so much easier to use. I have Apple CarPlay in my car so everything is just so familiar. The quality of the device is excellent and coupled with a screen protector I feel that I now have a setup that should work well for me.
Great little device to get power from or donate power to the bike
Good day!
I want to thank you for this wonderful product that fully meets my needs and also has a great connection with the phone and the BMW R 1250 GS ADVENTURE motorcycle.
Everything about this product is amazing. The integration with Android Auto is simple flawless, I use maps on the daily basis, while commuting listing to music controlled by the screen. The cameras do a great job as well, great image quality and protection while my bike is parked. The images are so great that I also use to share parts of my trip with friends. The blind spot detection is awesome, which gives me an extra sense of safety. Auto playing messages also helps to know whom is sending you messages (avoiding the anxiety of having a phone buzzing on your pocket).
Aside of the functionalities, the design is slim which does not affect much the bike look. Screen reaction to touch is great, and the visibility is also great on both night and day.
I highly recommend.
I absolutely love this piece of tech. It makes using my sat nav and music so much easier to use. I have Apple CarPlay in my car so everything is just so familiar. The quality of the device is excellent and coupled with a screen protector I feel that I now have a setup that should work well for me.
Great little device to get power from or donate power to the bike
It is not a lie that i was afraid of priot to having this device that i have been frauded again as always. After the device have reached to me and have it in my hand and see that it was all true as raid in the video and adds. Really a good device i liked it.
This adds a simple but refined ability to control the AIO unit. It connects without hesitation in less than 3 secs on initial pairing.
Room for improvement:
- the tiny bracket could be a more thought over design. When applying to a handlebar on most bikemodels, one is required to adjust the bracket or enlarge the mountingpoint.
- The unit would gain a lot if a scrollwheel solution was integrated for faster browsing through menu's and options on screen of the AIO