
Chigee AIO-5 Lite motorcycle Smart Riding system meets Japanese standards, reduces smartphone navigation damage in tough conditions

許多騎士將智慧型手機安裝在車把上作為導航輔助工具。有時,我們會聽到智慧型手機因振動而破裂或掉落,或因過熱而無法使用的故事。因此,相當多的騎士不願意在可能的情況下將智慧型手機安裝在車把周圍。對於這樣的騎士以及有興趣安裝行車記錄器的人來說,值得了解“ Chigee智慧騎乘系統AIO-5 Lite ”,這是一款配備了Chigee行車記錄器的摩托車智慧騎乘系統。 Chigee是一家專業摩托車技術公司,也在EICMA(米蘭展)上展出了AIO-5 Lite 。此型號專為滿足摩托車使用的嚴格要求(包括振動和雨水)而開發。

Chigee AIO-5 Lite motorcycle Smart Riding system meets Japanese standards, reduces smartphone navigation damage in tough conditions
Chigee AIO-5 Lite motorcycle Smart Riding system meets Japanese standards, reduces smartphone navigation damage in tough conditions

透過使用對於摩托車來說不太大的 5.0 吋顯示器,可以確保可視性,而不會從側面突出,從而保持車輛的風格。

Chigee AIO-5 Lite motorcycle Smart Riding system meets Japanese standards, reduces smartphone navigation damage in tough conditions
Chigee AIO-5 Lite motorcycle Smart Riding system meets Japanese standards, reduces smartphone navigation damage in tough conditions
功能方面,支援Apple CarPlay和Android Auto無線連接,打開主開關即可自動連接,提供最大的便利性。它不僅僅是一個導航系統;它還會提醒您有來電、電子郵件和社交媒體訊息。對於導航,它在顯示器上顯示智慧型手機地圖,因此您無需像常規汽車導航系統那樣更新地圖資料。您可以輕鬆地使用觸控螢幕來控制它(即使您戴著非觸控螢幕手套,顯示器頂部的模擬開關也可以提供基本功能)。憑藉其高性能 CPU 和與智慧型手機的 5GHz Wi-Fi 連接,它在操作過程中提供快速響應時間。此外,由於它具有 IP67 防水防塵功能,且充電連接埠和 microSD 卡插槽有橡膠蓋,因此您可以在雨中騎行而沒有任何問題。它透過扭矩螺栓牢固固定,以增加安全性。此外,還仔細考慮了抗振性,在立柱安裝部分使用了紅色橡膠部件來吸收振動。
Chigee AIO-5 Lite motorcycle Smart Riding system meets Japanese standards, reduces smartphone navigation damage in tough conditions
Chigee AIO-5 Lite motorcycle Smart Riding system meets Japanese standards, reduces smartphone navigation damage in tough conditions
Chigee AIO-5 Lite motorcycle Smart Riding system meets Japanese standards, reduces smartphone navigation damage in tough conditions
Chigee AIO-5 Lite motorcycle Smart Riding system meets Japanese standards, reduces smartphone navigation damage in tough conditions
Chigee AIO-5 Lite motorcycle Smart Riding system meets Japanese standards, reduces smartphone navigation damage in tough conditions
Chigee AIO-5 Lite motorcycle Smart Riding system meets Japanese standards, reduces smartphone navigation damage in tough conditions



  • Prabjot Singh

    Do you have any product specific for ducati multistrada v4

  • Wayne

    Great products! I find the screen too small though. When Chigee produce a 6.5 or 7 inch version
    I am certain I will purchase the complete set.
    Great work guys.
    Regards, Wayne.



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